MAY SPECIAL:   Save 10% on select Spa services – single massage, specialty facial and full pedicure.  Limited to 1 of each service per person. May 6-12, 2024.


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Exciting Zumba Classes at Doylestown Gym

 Zumba is a high-energy, fun-filled experience featuring rhythmic beats and dynamic dance routines that fuse Latin and international music.

Each class lasts for about 60 minutes and offers a total body workout, combining all elements of fitness – cardio, muscle conditioning, balance and flexibility. Participants of all fitness levels are welcome, as the routines can be adapted to any skill level.

The vibrant atmosphere in each Zumba class at our gym in Doylestown not only help improve physical fitness but also promotes a sense of community. In other words, a dance party!

a spacious group fitness studio for zumba at a cornerstone health and fitness in furlong pa
gym members workout during a group zumba class at a modern furlong pa gym

Dance, Sweat, Repeat!

Zumba is fantastic for a few reasons. First, it’s a total body workout – it combines aerobic exercise and resistance training, which means you’re improving your heart health, toning muscles, and burning calories all at once. Second, it’s great for your coordination and flexibility because of the dance moves involved.

Third, it’s a stress-buster. The upbeat music and dance routines can help to lift your mood and reduce stress.

Lastly, it’s fun! Zumba doesn’t feel like a typical workout, which makes you more likely to stick with it. So, you’re not just getting fit, you’re having a good time too!

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Fitness Training


Cardio Training


Body Building


Fitness Training


Cardio Training


Body Building


Heading H2 Text Here

Donec aliquam commodo lorem. Suspendisse et urna auctor us ultricies dictum vel et erat. Vestibulum pretium efficitur velit, nec imperdiet ante rutrum ut. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum. Sed nisl eros, vulputate venenatis ante tellus.

Nunc dictum mi id lorem facilisis pulvinar. Aliquam at nunc vehic, bibendum risus id, gravida ligula fusce vel diam non tellus

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