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pedal your way to fitness

Cycling Group Classes

Fuel Your Fitness with Pedal Power

Imagine walking into a room filled with energy and anticipation. The lights are dimmed, the music is pumping, and rows of stationary bikes are waiting. Welcome to a group cycling class! At our gym in Doylestown, everyone from beginners to seasoned cyclists is welcome to ride!

Classes begin with a warm-up to get your heart rate gradually climbing. Your instructor will then navigate you through a variety of terrains, from flat roads to challenging hills, all while adjusting your bike’s resistance to mimic outdoor conditions. There could be sprint intervals for that intense cardio blast, or slower, more intense sections that really challenge your strength and endurance.

gym members pedal on spinning machines during an intense cycling class at a furlong gym
a spacious and clean group fitness spinning studio with cycling machines at a furlong cornerstone gym

Empower, Endure, Energize!

Cycling provides a high-intensity, low-impact workout that can improve cardiovascular health, boost strength and endurance, and aid in weight loss. The adjustable resistance on the bikes ensures a challenging workout for all fitness levels. Plus, the energetic atmosphere, motivating music, and group environment can make exercise feel less like a chore and more like a fun, stress-busting activity.

With an instructor leading the way, you’re guided through every pedal stroke, ensuring you get the most out of your workout while maintaining proper form and safety.

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Fitness Training


Cardio Training


Body Building


Fitness Training


Cardio Training


Body Building


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Donec aliquam commodo lorem. Suspendisse et urna auctor us ultricies dictum vel et erat. Vestibulum pretium efficitur velit, nec imperdiet ante rutrum ut. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum. Sed nisl eros, vulputate venenatis ante tellus.

Nunc dictum mi id lorem facilisis pulvinar. Aliquam at nunc vehic, bibendum risus id, gravida ligula fusce vel diam non tellus

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We invite you to try any class included with membership on our schedule. If you aren’t sure what class might be right for you, let us know because we can help! Our Group Fitness Director will be in touch with you shortly.

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